"and this dust will never settle"

an useless blog made by a bored misanthrope.

Montag, 17. März 2008

"...wish i wasn't an emotional wrack"

So yeah, I'm a bit lazy. There hasn't been anything new within the last couple of weeks, but I'm really busy with other stuff surrounding me. I'm going to upload this blog soon, I already got a couple of ideas, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, I just want to say, that the last Justice Show was awesome. It was cool to hang out and great to see some familiar faces. Blacklisted and True Colors got an awesome crowd response and Justice just killed it. I bought their latest record "Lived and Learned", it's good. Again, the new record is hard to compare with their last one, since it's got a totally different feeling. Lyrics are dark and the music (especially the guitarwork) got a huge Quicksand-Vibe in it. Best song, at least in my opinion is "Meaningless". Filip did a great job with his voice on this one, so don't sleep on that.

And YES, Blacklisted played as well, as mentioned above. That being said, i love that band. I remember hearing a recorded version of the song "Wish" for the first time when they were here, and I was totally blown away. I refused to download the leaked version of the record, because that's one of the few records that actually matters in my opinion. So, I'm gonna wait. For the others more curious of you out there, if you haven't noticed, the band uploaded an album-stream on their myspace.

I know, it's a rather needles blog entry, it's just to show that this blog is not dead (yet). Bye.

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